SMi - 21st Annual Conference Pain Therapeutics Virtual conference - 10-11 of May 2021
The 21st Annual Conference will provide insights into cutting edge drug discovery science, preclinical development trends and will explore novel pain drug targets and novel biomarkers, including how industry is working to overcome the challenges of opioid-based treatment.
Transpharmation will be hosting round table talks on both days. Inflammation Pain Lead Ana Pereira will be discussing Translational endpoints for Preclinical Pain at 1pm on 10th May, Neuropathic Pain Lead Daniel Cohn will be discussing Novel Pharmacological approach in Pain Therapy at 11.20am on 11th May. We are also hosting ‘meet the team’ sessions at 11.20am and 4.30pm on the 10th May and 1.35pm on the 11th May. We hope to see you there.
To view our presentation click here