FENS Regional Meeting 2023
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) taking place 3 - 5 May in Algarve, Portugal will be covering all domains of modern neuroscience. These regional meetings are dedicated to supporting member societies in promoting excellence in research, strengthening neuroscience in all European countries, promoting scientific exchange within and across European regions, securing representation and access to the FRM programme for underrepresented
scientists and topics.
Transpharmation is pleased to be presenting a poster titled ‘Antidepressant efficacy of a single administration of psilocybin and ketamine in the chronic social defeat (CSD) stress model–strain differences between C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice’ in Conference Room Silves on 3 May at 13.15
Learn more about some of the various Depression and Anxiety models and assays we offer.